People often assume there’s a big secret to finding good writing gigs – but there’s really not. All you need to do is learn where to look.
ProBlogger Jobs is one of the places every writer needs to discover.
As a freelance writer and website owner, the ProBlogger Jobs board has been part of my home working life for several years. I’ve used it both to find work, and to find writers to hire – so I’ve seen the site from both sides.
In this article you will:
- Find out how ProBlogger Jobs works.
- Learn about a place where you can browse – free – through a regularly updated selection of freelance writing gigs.
- Pick up some “pro tips” for identifying the best jobs, and maximise your chances of landing one of them.
- Find an exclusive coupon code for ProBlogger’s Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing.
Why Listen To Me?
Like many home workers, I wear several different freelance hats.
Sometimes I visit ProBlogger Jobs in the hope of finding content writing jobs for myself. On other occasions, I use the platform to recruit other writers – both for my own projects and for those I manage on behalf of clients.
In fact, some of the posts here on HomeWorkingClub were written by writers I found on ProBlogger Jobs. They’ve produced great work, as have other writers I’ve recruited there in the past. Unlike many such job boards, this is somewhere where you find a decent level of consistency – both in the quality of the jobs on offer, and – usually – in the writers who apply.
We shall start right at the beginning:
What is ProBlogger Jobs?
ProBlogger jobs is an online job board offering content writing gigs. Typically, a handful of new jobs appear on the board each day, posted by all kinds of companies – from startups to established online businesses.
Is ProBlogger Jobs Legit?
Absolutely. ProBlogger Jobs is legit, although you should always do your own due diligence on any individual job before applying. The site that owns the job board was founded by blogging guru Darren Rowse, who enjoys a solid reputation as an authority within the blogging community. The job board itself has been one of the top marketplaces for blog related jobs for over 10 years.
ProBlogger Jobs is also very active in trying to ensure that those seeking writing work online do not get scammed. They post warnings about phishing scams and even provide tips for applying safely online.
Why is ProBlogger Jobs Good?
One of the reasons that ProBlogger Jobs stands out is that anyone wanting to advertise on the job board has to pay to place their advert.
Why does this matter?
It matters because it immediately filters out most of the “bottom feeder” clients that people looking for content writing jobs often have to deal with on job boards such as Upwork.
Employers have to put their hand in their pocket before they see a single application, making ProBlogger Jobs a (largely) cheapskate-free zone.
How much does it cost to post a job on ProBlogger?
Posting a job on ProBlogger costs $75, or $150 for a featured listing, which is highlighted and shown at the top of the job board. Listings remain visible on the job board for 15 days.
Although the clients pay, YOU don’t have to pay anything to browse the listings on ProBlogger, and you don’t have to pay to apply for jobs either. There is an optional “premium candidate membership,” which we discuss more below.
In case you’re reading this as somebody looking to hire writers, I can anecdotally tell you that the standard of writers applying for jobs on ProBlogger is generally high. Obviously you will get some lazy, boilerplate applications, and the relevance of applicants will depend on how well you lay out your requirements. However, if you’re thinking of using ProBlogger to find writers, you can expect some talented people to apply.
So – good writing jobs AND good writers. What’s not to like?
How does ProBlogger Jobs Work?
ProBlogger Jobs is a simple job board where people who need writing work done can post their requirements (for a small fee).
The clients advertising on ProBlogger range from individual solopreneur bloggers, right up to those representing large, well-known companies.
Typically there are somewhere between three and ten new roles posted each day, so there’s a constant stream of new content writing jobs for those looking for them.
PRO TIP! Speaking from experience, people recruiting using this job board do tend to receive a high number of applications, so it’s down to you to make yours stand out if you wish to stand a chance of receiving a response. Getting in soon after the advert is posted helps too.
Do I Need to Register to Apply for Work on ProBlogger Jobs?
No. Anyone can apply for the writing assignments posted on Problogger Jobs. However, it is well worth considering registering with the site. It is FREE and offers numerous benefits to help you apply for and get work.
How Do You Apply for Jobs on ProBlogger?
Often, clients simply provide an email address, along with details of what you need to send to apply. Sometimes they link to a form you need to fill in, and sometimes you send your application via a form on the ProBlogger site.
The Candidate Dashboard
If you decide to register with ProBlogger Jobs, you gain access to a “Candidate Dashboard,” where you can upload a resum save interesting jobs, and keep a record of what you’ve applied to. All of this functionality is free.
Premium Candidate Membership
ProBlogger also offers a “Premium Candidate Membership” service. This essentially advertises your profile to clients.
The (optional) service costs:
- $15 for a 90-day period, or
- $49 per year.
The paid service allows you to set up your own profile on ProBlogger, giving clients the ability to find YOU. This is being described to clients posting jobs as follows:
“This Premium Candidate paywall filters a selection of more professional Candidates for you to access.”
I can’t really make make a judgement on whether paying to subscribe as a “premium candidate” is worthwhile. In my experience, I’ve found plenty of work on the site anyway – but it’s not expensive to pay $15 and give it a try.
What Do ProBlogger Jobs Pay?
How much you can earn from gigs on ProBlogger Jobs entirely depends on the specific client, and what you negotiate with them.
Rates can vary from insultingly low to inspiringly high – and those definitions are different for everyone.
In some cases, the client openly advertises a fixed rate, in others it’s entirely negotiable. Check out our guide to freelance rates for help setting yours.
ProBlogger’s Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing – Exclusive Offer
For writers wanting to gain the edge on the competition, ProBlogger offers a 128 page “Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing.”
I wouldn’t usually highlight another site’s book, but Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger book is one I often recommend – as it played a big part in inspiring me to start blogging many years ago. As such, I can’t imagine him putting his brand on something less than decent.
The freelance writing book covers subjects like:
- How to find good, paid blogging work.
- How much to charge.
- How to identify and avoid sketchy clients.
- How to craft winning applications.
There’s plenty of information on similar topics on this site, but the eBook is inexpensive and well worth checking out. There’s also a coupon code below so you can grab it for $5 off.
How to Find Success on ProBlogger Jobs
As I’ve personally used ProBlogger to find writers on more than one occasion, I can provide some insider tips on how to increase your chance of getting a “bite” from a potential client. Much of this advice is common sense and applies to any kind of job application.
1. Act Quickly
Writing jobs on ProBlogger Jobs regularly get filled within 24 hours, so speed in applying really is important. In order to help you catch relevant jobs as soon as they are posted, you can set up specific email alerts, subscribe to the RSS Feed, or follow ProBlogger on Twitter.
2. Don’t send a lazy application
As we’ve established, ProBlogger Jobs attracts decent writers. This is a board that’s (generally) more about quality than quantity, so you’re not going to be firing out dozens of applications.
Despite this, there are still people who send a copy and pasted application to every job – an application that bears no relevance whatsoever to the posted requirements. These applications are pointless and get ignored.
For some examples of pitches that work, check out this article.
3. Explain HOW you will help the client
When applying for a job, it’s easy to fall into the trap of starting every sentence with “I….” and proudly declaring everything you’ve done.
Instead, concentrate on how your skills and experience translate to what the client needs – rather than listing a load of personal attributes.
4. Read the ad and research the opportunity
The majority of the job ads you find on the ProBlogger board will reveal the website that needs writers. Have a good look at the site in question and be honest about whether it’s right for you.
It makes far more sense to send one well-considered, laser-focussed pitch to a company where you know you’re a good fit, than three halfhearted pitches at random, in the hope that one will stick.
There are VERY good blog writers lurking on ProBlogger Jobs – the competition is strong!
5. Make sure your samples are appropriate
Most employers will want to see writing samples. If you’re applying to write articles about cloud computing, don’t send a load of links to stuff you’ve written about property investment and pet food! Always pick out your best and most appropriate samples.
6. Track your applications
Try not to take too much of a scattergun approach to applying for freelance writing jobs. Keep a log of where you’ve applied, how you pitched, and whether you were successful. The new Candidate Dashboard is a great way to do that.
In time, logging your pitches will help you identify what kind of approaches work and which never receive a response. This is genuine data you can learn from.
7. Keep persevering
You are NOT going to land every writing job you apply for! Too many people give up too soon.
There are new writing jobs posted almost every day – just because the one that’s perfect for you isn’t there today, it doesn’t mean it won’t be tomorrow.
Can You Find Blogging Jobs for Beginners on ProBlogger?
Most of the jobs on this board are at what I’d describe as intermediate level. The vast majority of advertisers will want to see previous examples of your writing. In addition, many are for specific niches, with technical subjects like cybersecurity particularly well-represented.
Filtering the jobs using “beginner” or similar keyword keywords will narrow the results down for you a little but it really won’t help a lot. You will still need to check every advert to see how much experience is required as a writer and/or what knowledge of the niche you are expected to have.
While you may find “entry-level” options on ProBlogger jobs, it’s a better place to look for work once you have at least some experience under your belt, know which niches you want to focus on, and have some work to show off.
That said, some clients are happy to offer less experienced writers a trial job to see if they make the grade.
There’s plenty you can do to build up your experience:
- Write for free to build up some examples
- Build up a profile on a credible site like Medium
- Head for a job board like Upwork and pay your dues there!
We have an epic guide to online writing jobs for beginners as well as a detailed article on building a portfolio from scratch.
Other Sources of Online Writing Jobs
There are plenty of alternatives to ProBlogger Jobs for finding writing work. Here are some to get you started:
For Novice and Intermediate Writers
If you are a novice or intermediate writer then you might want to consider the following:
- Copify – A popular content mill that is easy to get accepted to and has a good flow of work to help you build up your experience.
- WriterAccess – A content marketing agency that offers a variety of writing assignments.
- Freelancing platforms such as Upwork and PeoplePerHour.
- FreelanceWritingJobs – This site has a job board that provides a daily posting of new writing gigs sourced from various places across the web.
- WriteJobs – This site lists writing jobs, writing contests and requests for submissions.
For Experienced Writers
Writers with more experience and a decent portfolio might want to try their luck with some of the following:
- ClearVoice – A good source of well-paying writing clients but you must have a good enough portfolio to get accepted in the first place.
- Contently – You can set up a portfolio and the site will contact you if you are a good match for one of their clients.
- nDash – This site is a little different as you are free to pitch ideas to brands. I have found some good clients on nDash.
As you will have gathered, I’m quite a fan of Pro Blogger Jobs. It’s far from the only place to find freelance blogging work, but it’s definitely one of the sites you should be checking recently. It’s also worth a look if you’re struggling to get accepted for Upwork.
Freelance work is such that there will always be peaks and troughs. Even after over a decade, I still experience the troughs myself.
When I hit one, ProBlogger Jobs is one of my first ports of call on the hunt for new writing work – I strongly recommend you make it one of yours too.
Before You Go!
- If you’re new to freelancing and want a step by step guide to getting started, check out my popular Freelance Kickstarter course, described by one student as “without doubt, the most thorough and beneficial course that I have ever bought.”
- Don’t forget you can get $5 off the ProBlogger Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing, by using code homeworkingclub here.
- If you’re tempted to start a blog of your own, make sure you read our articles on the advantages of blogging and the disadvantages of blogging.
Founder of – Ben has worked freelance for nearly 20 years. As well as being a freelance writer and blogger, he is also a technical consultant with Microsoft and Apple certifications. He loves supporting new home workers but is prone to outbursts of bluntness and realism.